WTR 1000 2016

Sandart & Partners, med Karin Cederlund, Anders Kylhammaroch Peter Sande i spetsen, rankas i kategorin guld i årets upplaga av World Trademark Reviews lista över "The World's Leading Trademark Professionals" inom området "Enforcement and litigation".

The “solutions-oriented” Sandart & Partners attracts “experienced and creative thinkers” to its bench. Full-bore trademark litigation is a speciality; clients appreciate its relentless pursuit of infringers.

“Strategic enforcer” Anders Kylhammar is a favourite for briefs requiring a systematic approach; while “exceedingly skilled, terrific lawyer” Peter Sande is “the go-to guy for conflicts of interest – you need never worry about sending important clients to him. He takes good care of them and is a great tactician”. Praise for the work of “always reliable” Karin Cederlund abounds among her peer group.

WTR 1000 2016

Publicerad 2016-04-13