WTR Global Leaders 2019

Three of Sandart & Partners’ lawyers are listed as global leaders in World Trademark Review's new publication “WTR Global Leaders”: Karin Cederlund, Anders Kylhammar and Peter Sande.

In Sweden there are eleven experts listed and Sandart & Partners is the firm with most names on the list over leading experts within private trademark practice in Sweden. External link, opens in new window.

The publication includes an interview with Anders Kylhammar External link, opens in new window..

WTR says: In the Nordic region it is hard to find a better trademark litigator than Anders Kylhammar. With his combination of a highly analytical mind and excellent interpersonal skills he resolves disputes as opposed to just fighting them, and makes the most of all available tools to deliver success.

Read about WTR Global Leaders' research process. External link, opens in new window.